Set in the 1980s, troubled youth Chan Lok-kwun accidentally enters the Walled City, discovers the order amidst its chaos, and learns important life lessons along the way. In the Walled City, he becomes close friends with Shin, Twelfth Master and AV. Under the leadership of Cyclone, they resist against the invasion of villain Mr. Big in a series of fierce battles. Together, they vow to protect the safe haven that is Kowloon Walled City.
Aaron Kwok
Louis Koo
Richie Jen
Kenny Wong Tak-Ban
Sammo Hung
Philip Ng
Raymond Lam
Terrance Lau
Man Kit Cheung
Fish Liew
Chu Pak-Hong
Tony Wu
Cecilia Choi
Deon Cheung
Jozev Lau
Law Wing-Cheong
Liu Chun-Hung
Jacqueline Zhu Zhi-Ying
So Wai-Nam
Sean Wong Tsz-lok
Frank Liu Zong-Ji
Jimmy Wong Wa-Wo
Chung Suet-Ying
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