In the late 19th century, a brutal land baron slaughters a Roma clan, unleashing a curse on his family and village. In the days that follow, the townspeople are plagued by nightmares, the baron's son goes missing, and a boy is found murdered. The locals suspect a wild animal, but a visiting pathologist warns of a more sinister presence lurking in the woods.
Kelly Reilly
Boyd Holbrook
Alistair Petrie
Amelia Crouch
Roxane Duran
Áine Rose Daly
Nigel Betts
Stuart Bowman
Gary Oliver
Richard Cunningham
Simon Kunz
Tom Sweet
Tommy Rodger
Sean Mahon
Mish Boyko
Paul Bandey
Alun Raglan
Oisín Stack
Florie Blight
Annabel Mullion
Jicey Carina
Stuart Goodwin
Edmund Wiseman
Christopher Craig
Brigitte Masure
Anne-Hélène Orvelin
Rebecca Calder
Fabien Houssaye
Carl Laforêt
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