Yoji Minamimaru, known as Nanmaru, is a university student with a supernatural ability to create small holes in anything. One day, Yoji finds out that the professor of folklore studies has gone missing. Together with his classmates, he decides to search for the professor.
Episode 1
Nanmaru, a student with a unique power, finds out that his professor has gone missing.
Episode 2
Nanmaru and the other students head to Marukami Village to search for the missing professor.
Episode 3
Emi keeps searching for the missing professor, while Nanmaru and the others return to Tokyo.
Episode 4
Nanmaru, when debuting as a speaker, shows his new skills in the seminar organized by Takashi, Sachiko's brother. While Emi approaches the truth of the Tanabata Festival through the documents left by Professor Marukami. In the midst of this, the authorities outside the Marukami Village turn their attention to those who have powers.
Episode 5
Nanmaru attracts unexpected attention after using his powers in an unprecedented event and decides to start a new commercial venture with his clubmates. Meanwhile, Sachiko and the residents of the village arrive in Tokyo to stop Takashi, whose bad actions continue to intensify.
Episode 6
Sachiko shows Nanmaru the scars on his back and talks about his past. Meanwhile, a certain phenomenon is causing trucks and planes to disappear frequently in Tokyo. In the midst of the frenzy, Aki, one of Nanmaru's freshmen, provides a detective with information about Takashi in an attempt to get an exclusive report.
Episode 7
The former head of the Marukami family, Yoriyuki Marukami, who conspired with powerful people, takes an action that plunges Tokyo into unprecedented panic. In the midst of chaos, Nanmaru tries to rescue Aki, who was kidnapped, confronting her own power in the process.
Episode 8
Nanmaru and the others go to Marukami Village to stop Yoriyuki. Meanwhile, Yoriyuki and Takashi approach the head of the Higashimaru family. However, they are surrounded by special forces. Clues left on the spot drive the story to unexpected territories.
Episode 9
The branch of the Higashimaru family gives refuge to Nanmaru, who transmits Takashi's feelings to Sachiko. Meanwhile, Yoriyuki is pursued as a suspect in a series of murders, and the tension in the village reaches its peak as residents, police and armed groups face each other. A certain person appears and reveals Yoriyuki's true intentions.
Episode 10
Yoriyuki's true purpose, the mystery of the Tanabata Festival, the disappearance of Professor Marukami and Nanmaru's supernatural abilities all lead to the summit of Mount Marukami. Now, Nanmaru and Sachiko must face their destinies.