The Real Murders on Elm Street is a chilling new six-part documentary series about small suburban towns across America that have been torn apart by murder. At the heart of the series is the central question of how in a single night, these quaint residential ELM STREETS can descend from peace and tranquility into horror, senseless death, and tragedy.
E1 ∙ Killer in the Walls
When a husband discovers his wife and two children brutally murdered, police suspect the killer is someone they have arrested before. A year earlier, the same teenager had terrorized a family by hiding unbeknownst in their home.
E2 ∙ And We Have Serial Killers
A house on Elm Street goes up in flames; inside, firefighters discover two bodies impaled with swords; police quickly identify the male victim, but the female victim remains a mystery.
E3 ∙ Wheel Of Punishment
When investigators respond to a bloody quadruple homicide, they soon discover the murders involved torture, revenge, and even Satan
E4 ∙ Cruel Intentions
During one of the biggest street festivals of the year detectives discover the body of a young man hidden inside a trash can. With few leads to go on and suspects at every turn, police aren't sure who they can trust and who will be next.
E5 ∙ What Lies Beneath
What started as small-town hijinks leads two teenagers to go missing on Thanksgiving. When investigators get a call from a man who claims he is responsible for the deaths while defending his home, they must determine truth from madness.
E6 ∙ Halloween Horror
A real Halloween murder on Elm Street in Greenville, Ohio terrifies the community when a young girl finds her father dead.