When a beloved varsity quarterback disappears during the "Satanic Panic" of the late 1980s, a struggling high school heavy metal band of outcasts realize they can capitalize on the town's sudden interest in the occult by building a reputation as a Satanic metal band, until a bizarre series of murders, kidnappings, and reported "supernatural activity" triggers a leather-studded witch hunt that leads directly back to them.
EP 1
In 1989, strange events take place in a small town. A teenager disappears. Tremors shake the town. A mysterious pentagram. Fears of a Satanic cult spread to explain these events while a high school metal band plans a gig gives inspiration.
Episode 2
There is a development in the missing person's case; the town gathers for an event at the church.
Episode 3
Dethkrunch hosts a Satanic cult meeting; Linda tries to understand what's happening to her.
Episode 4
Dylan and Judith make their relationship official; Faith attempts normalcy for a night.
Episode 5
A romance between Faith and Ryan; Tracy fears Faith may not be on the same path she was as a teen.
Episode 6
The cultists must deal with the fallout from Homecoming; Tracy encourages Faith to play her part.
Episode 7
Dylan tries to put an end to what he started; restless townspeople look to Tracy for leadership.
Episode 8
Tracy gathers the town to cast evil from Happy Hollow; Chief Dandridge closes in on the Reverend.