This irreverent late-night comedy series brings to life unbelievable, ripped-from-the-headlines tales of the Sunshine State. Featuring interviews with everyday Floridians and playful recreations starring a rotating cast of actors and comedians, this hilarious and outrageous series sheds light on the viral, wacky, and weird.
Episode 1
Desperate to earn some cash to see his favorite artist in concert, a music fan takes to the internet to pick up odd jobs, but soon finds the oddest job of all helping to fulfill an Orlando man's extreme fantasy.
Episode 2
In Myakka City, a search for self-fulfillment ends in an encounter with Florida's least friendly reptile and a harrowing fight to survive.
Episode 3
A professional mermaid finds herself pitted against dark forces when a former coworker - and practicing witch - moves in next door.
Episode 4
A messy breakup triggers a DeLand man to target his ex-boyfriend in a marinara-fueled act of revenge.
Episode 5
On Jenada Isle, an out-of-control rabbit population pits rescuers against residents determined to keep their free-roaming fuzzy friends.
Episode 6
After getting featured in a controversial online police program, a Pensacola man with a penchant for high-speed chases goes viral for his unique features.